>I was driving my littte GT6+ home tonight, but when pulling out from a
>parking lot, I didn't give it enough gas, so it died. OK - bid deal (I
>thought), I will just turn the key over again, and I'll be on my way.
>Nooohoooo - I guessed wrong. The starter turns over, the engine turns over,
>but it wont run. I thought it might be the fuel line being plugged or
>something, since there wasn't a whole lot of fuel in the fuel filter right
>before it enters the carbs - but I used that little 'hand-pump' under the
>fuel-pump, and after a few squeezes the fuel filter was full again. I just
>filled the car up with gas (so it is not THAT), but this is where my
>mechanical knowledge ends ;-( - what could be causing this?
>Is it:
>- a defective fuel pump?
>- a clogged inline fuel filter?
>- sparkplugs?
>P.S. Another thing that I have been wondering about - when I on prior
>occasions went to start the car, it would not run when the starter was
>turning, but only when I let go of the key (the starter stopped, and the
>engine started) -
Check out the points. These cars are notoriousfor eating them.
Especially check wiring to dist. Sounds also like it may be coil related.
To save time and aggrevation, hook up another one and see if it works.
As for starter. It is either turning too slow or a weak turn. Could also
be incorrect wiring to solenoid. Car shoud start and flywheel run away
from starter. Could also be that starter just needs good cleaning and lube.
Tony R.
64TR4 oops