I have a set (4) of Michelin Redlines that I am looking to sell.
Story is this - we bought our car (74 1/2) in August. These tires were on
the car. They are in fair to good shape. However the tread wear is slightly
uneven (the dpo had the front end REALLY screwed up but that is another
story) and they show signs of a little dry rot.
The guy who had the car was a college professor in a college town and drove
the car around town and Saturday outings. If I were to use the car in the
same manner I wouldn't have changed the tires until the tread wore out.
However the car is for my wife, we live 25 miles north of Baton Rouge LA.
As such our use of the car will entail a good bit of Interstate driving -
sustained 60-65 mph and probably a fair amount of miles per year (not her
only driver - but her car of choice unless the kids (more than one) are with
Tread wear - I don't know what new is - but these tires have between 1/8"
- 3/16" tread left. Only one appears to have any noticable difference in
Tread on the inside (it was on the worst wheel before we fixed the car)
I'd like to get $40 per tire plus shipping - Oh yeah - I have the tubes,
they are free, but at your risk. I don't have a clue of their condition.
They were fine before we took them off. New ones are $10 a piece (I think)
from Cooker Tire.
So for the cost of one new Redline - you can have a set !!!!
If anyone is interested its - joesimcoe@aol.com