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Re: Berry's Re: Antipodean greetings!

Subject: Re: Berry's Re: Antipodean greetings!
From: (Jase H. Przychodzen)
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 1995 09:34:28 +0900
>Hey, Berry just gave me a brainstorm...what if we run a contest for the least 
>maintainable design on a Triumph?  Points will be given for inaccessability as 
>well as interval of maintenace.  My initial entry (I'm sure I'll think of 
>is the oil level check on a 5 speed TR7 gearbox.  Gobs of fun working on your 
>back around that exhaust pipe.  That engineer has died a hundred painful 
>in my dreams. Better than replacing the rear spring on a Herald!

I vote for the oil check in the rear diff. By the looks of it you have to 
half the rear suspension just to check the oil. I recon I'll just take my 
wait while it seizes, snaps, impales my passanger (fingers crossed) as it 
goes through
the floor.

Sounds like less effort to wait for this disaster than to ensure that there 
is oil in the rear-diff.
Although I can see the reasoning of the engineer.
"If there is no way for the oil to get out it will stay in there".
BTW: Can we desacrete the head engineers grave or something? Or if he is still
alive why dont we ruin his retirement :-)
Just jesting.
Jase Przychodzen. Computer Consultant.
Fiberspace : +61-414-393904
Cyberspace :
"Will donate vital organs for bandwidth"

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