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Re: clouds of blue smoke

Subject: Re: clouds of blue smoke
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 23:43:48 -0400
A fellow Richmond TR er and myself were discussing this phenomenon on our way
home from the vintage Races at Summit Point WVA this sunday.  The otherwise
perfect TR6 in front of us had some belches of blueish smoke during
deceleration, but none to speak of otherwise.

We deducted that it was probably oil leaking down the valves . .  that would
sort of make sense.
The small amount of oil is probably burned at regular speeds, but when the
engine is "compression braking" the oil might get into the cylinders and not
get burned (cause there is no fuel charge to ignite)

What do the rest of you all think?

Scott Tilton
In richmond Va
Looking for money to spend on his TRs

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