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Re: clouds of blue smoke

Subject: Re: clouds of blue smoke
From: (marek sawczuk)
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 20:57:44 -0700 (PDT)


> (a) oil getting past the piston rings.  This can be checked by doing a
> compression check with the engine at operating temp.  If the compression is
> below spec., then the check can be repeated having squirted a little engine
> oil in each cylinder.  If the compression reading rises appreciably, then
> this is probably the cause.

I had the same problem that you described, smoking engine on 
deceleration.  It was so bad I was using about 2 qts every 160 miles!
The test you are describing above will not tell you the condition of the 
problem area: the oil control ring!  The compression test dry or wet will 
test the top ring(s) only.  

On my car after changing the rings, (engine left in car, the speedo showed 
only 32K miles when I bough the car but it has not been driven for 8 years)
the oil consuption is practically 0!!!.  At the time of replacing the 
rings I also replaced the main bearings, rod bearings, small end bushings 
AND trust washers.  I know that it was a "poor man's" engine 'rebuild', 
but it worked for under $200 in parts.

As to the test for leaking valve guides usually if you see smoke only 
during the starting of the engine it would indicated bad valve guides.  
You can also try a leakdown test to tell you more about your combustion 

I hope this help,

'57 TR3
'64 Spitfire GP SCCA racer
'69 Spitfire for sale
'75 TR 6 - NOT SMOKING! 

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