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Re: Wire Wheels and Luggage Rack

Subject: Re: Wire Wheels and Luggage Rack
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 00:10:01 MDT

>Hello all,
>I plan on going to the VTR Annual Convention in Albany next July and, because 
>they'll be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the TR3, I have a few upgrades 
>to mine that I'll be doing over the winter.  One is changing to wire wheels, 
>and another is adding a luggage rack, and I have some questions on both.
>On wire wheels,
>       1.  Moss is currently having a sale - $999 for four 48 or 60 spoke 
>chrome wire wheels.  But British Wire Wheel sells them for $200 each 
>(x4=$800) - a much better price obviously!  Any difference in quality I 
>should be aware of?                       
>       2.  BWW has spoke options of chrome or stainless steel - what's the 
>difference here?  Are the stainless as bright as the chrome?
>       3.  Do I really need to change the lugs to shorter ones to accomodate 
>the wires?  Or can I cut them?  If I need to change them, what's the process?
>       4.  Does anyone have a new or lightly used set of splines for sale, 
>or should I just buy new ones to be safe?
>       5.  BWW and Moss catalogs indicate 48 spoke wheels for the TR3 and 60 
>spoke wheels for the TR4.  I always thought the 60 spoke wheels were stronger 
>and therefore better, but there's little or no difference in price - any 
>comments?   Also, would the 60 spoke wheel look that noticeably wrong on a 
>TR3, or would it only make a difference to purists?                         
>On the luggage rack,
>       1.  Moss shows two types: the "Authentic English Styling...Practical 
>Good Looks" type for $150, described as hand made in England by craftsmen, 
>and the other is by AMCO, "the exact dealer installed optional luggage rack 
>of the 60's and 70's" for $140.  I've only seen the AMCO rack and I think it 
>looks good.  What's the consensus on the other style?  Is it more original?  
>       2.  Anyone have a fairly new AMCO luggage rack for sale?
Can't help you out on parts or luggage rack available. However, a few
comments on what you are looking at.
 Moss buys their wheels fromCalif. Wheel. Not sure about the others. 
The chrome wheels will be brighter and look better for a lonmger time.
As for the number of spokes, that is pretty obvious. The60 spoke wheels 
will be stronger and more reliable. In my opinion, more desirable unles 
you can eternally resist the urge to punch it out on a few of the 
"challenging" curves you are bound to run into.

The Amco rack is authentic. There were two offered in 64, not sure about 
earlier. The choices were a plain rack that bolted directly to the boot
at four points and was stationary. The second, my choice, was the version 
that was hinged at the top. Unpractical on my TR4, butI still liked it 
The hinged version would be a good choice for the TR3> 
Good luck.
Tony R.


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