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TR6 Fan Belt Redux

Subject: TR6 Fan Belt Redux
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 13:19:46 -0400
I apologize for bringing this up again, but almost all of your previous
mail to me regarding my TR6 fan belt fiasco never reached me. Hopefully
the netmail demons (daemons?) will be nicer to me this time.

For those interested, I finally got the alternator pulleys swapped with
some application of brute force.

But it seems that the general consensus regarding replacing the fan
belt is to jack the engine up a tad bit. Looking at the crank pulley /
frame arrangement, it's not obvious to me how this will help. Jacking
up the engine will just put more of the crank pulley face in interference
with the frame cross member. Wouldn't the engine have to be dropped
instead? That would tend to reduce / eliminate the amount of crank
pulley the fan belt would have to be slipped past.

Confused, as usual...

        Bruce Krobusek
        Rochester   NY
          '83 R80RT
            '72 TR6

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