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Re: dieseling

Subject: Re: dieseling
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 1995 08:10:00 +0500
> what causes a motor to run on or "diesel"?
> how to stop it?
> could my motor actually spin backwards?

Yes, the motor *could* spin backwards if the diesel explosion hit before the
motor got to Top Dead Centre and the motor was spinning slow enough so that
its inertia did not carry it past TDC.

As for why...I'd suggest that you check the carbs.  I expect that your idle
speed is OK, but how about the mixture at idle?  Pre fuel injection cars
often had a solenoid on the carb which holds the carb open at the idle speed.
When the motor shuts off, the solenoid lets go and completely closes the
carb.  If the carb does not close completely, the gas that is drawn into the
motor will cause dieseling.  I'm sure that your 250 does not have solenoids,
but a similar problem of too much gas could be the cause.

'76 TR7 Federal

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