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Re: TR6 clutch problems<>

To: "Baker, Tony MV" <>
Subject: Re: TR6 clutch problems<>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 09:18:37 +0000 (GMT)
>The clutch has been
>a constant source or problems. The most common problem is that it does not 
>leaving it difficult to get in first second and reverse gear. Any ware in
>the system and it
>becomes impossible to obtain those gears.


Just a thought, but I have only just solved a similiar problem with my Spitfire
MK IV,  I replaced the slave cylinder three times with NO success, I was
informed that my problem was most probably not in the hydraulics but the
mechanical linkage.  So my cure to this was to remove the clutch pedal from the
car and weld up the hole where the clevis pin locates the clutch fork that 
comes from the master cylinder.  This hole had elongated quite a bit and was
'loosing' some of the movement provided by the pedal(does that last bit make
sense).  Anyway, I re-drilled this hole and refitted the pedal and now I have
no problems with the gear change, Just a thought anyway.


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