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Getting to the Speedometer

Subject: Getting to the Speedometer
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 1995 22:20:54 -0400
I have owned my 1976 TR-6 for only about 20 months.  A long-held dream come

The car was in pretty good shape when I bought it and I've only had to do
minor repairs (rewire the horns, replace a few interior trim parts, rebuild
the alternator, replace the hazard flasher, replace valve cover gasket,
etc.).  I'll probably tackle a tranny rebuild this winter as the synchro in
1st is gone and 2nd is going.

Anyway, to the question.

The odometer (replaced by PO) has got to 13999 and has stopped.  Looks like
it is still being driven by the cable but is "clicking" instead of turning.
 The speedometer is now showing quite a bit of fluctuation as a result
(ranges from 60 to  70 when running 65).

I have not removed to dashboard, to date, and am not eager to do so.  Can
anyone out there lend some advice?  Do I have to remove the whole dash panel
to get the Speedo out?  Are the Speedometers on  the  TR's repairable?  I'd
just like to find out what I'm diving into - before I start.

I have enjoyed reading this newgroup since April of this year.  Good stuff!


Andrew Murray
Northfield, Minnesota (City of Cows, Colleges, and Contentment)

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