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RE: TR6 conversion

Subject: RE: TR6 conversion
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 13:32:31 -0700 (MST)
I've already exhausted my one permissible (self-imposed rule)
reply to this topic, but one more thing needs to be asked:

Are you entirely sure you've examined the options you have for
keeping that engine?

Performance:  Get the TriumphTune catalogue.  TriumphTune is
now a subsidiary of Moss, you can get it from them.  Few engines
have been as thoroughly exploited for performance as the 2.5L 
TR engine.  There are several stages of performance mods available,
and while they're not all easy and cheap, it's still much easier and
probably much cheaper than swapping to a foreign engine.

  advantages:  Fully original, will _enhance_ the value of your
   car rather than detract from it, and it's well trodden ground.
   Mechanics will still work on your car, most original parts will
   still fit, and everything will mate up properly.  Most of 
   TriumphTune's performance options are based on factory competition
   specs.   You can easily get 190 bhp out of that engine and still
   retain roadability.

Parts availability:  This is already superb for the 2.5L TR engine.
   Very few engines are as well supported by parts suppliers.

Price:  You must be joking.  Triumph parts are still cheap compared
   to most modern cars.

Reliability:  Once you've built this engine up to your spec it's
   as reliable as anything transplantable you'll ever find.

I hope you'll consider this option, I think you'd find it much
more satisfactory than any transplant could ever be.

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