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Is it carburetion or electrical?

To: "''" <>
Subject: Is it carburetion or electrical?
From: bswinehart <>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 95 17:57:00 PDT
Encoding: 30 TEXT
Hello Everyone,

I'm new in this forum, so I'd like to introduce my car.

It's a 76 TR6 that I bought seven years ago.  It had a strong engine and the 
body and frame were in excellent condition from a rust standpoint.  A hit 
and run driver backed into it but it was still drivable.  A friend with a 
compressor and I used the insurance settlement to take care of the exterior 
and now it looks great.  It needed a transmission (no reverse), so I did a 
complete clutch job at that time too.  A few other things and it's a pretty 
nice car.   Two kids came along which slowed the progress considerably, but 
I'll soon be starting on the interior.

Anyway, it started missing about six months ago.  The number 1 cylinder 
randomly would not fire.   I replaced plugs, wires, coil, rotor and 
distributor cap.  I tried both an electronic and points ignition, set the 
timing and reduced the miss but couldn't get rid of it completely. 
 Initially I thought it may be distributor shaft wobble but I'm not sure 
anymore.  I can no longer catch #1 misfiring with a timing light and 
slightly choked, it runs almost acceptably about 85% of the time.  I've not 
yet adjusted the valves.

I'm beginning to wonder if I should focus on carburetion rather than the 
electrical side.

Any ideas?


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