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Re: TR6 Exhaust Inside Car

Subject: Re: TR6 Exhaust Inside Car
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 11:18:02 -0400
Hi Ian & Triumph list,

On Apr 21, Ian Clough wrote:
I'm having trouble with my '74 TR6:  when driving with the top up and 
the windows closed, there's a strong smell of exhaust.
 (however it doesn't seem probable that exhaust can make its way
into the car from the pipes under the car while driving at 100Kph, but
it's still a possibility).
            ----------------- End of quote----------------------

I have experienced this problem with Spitfires (even with hard top fitted).
My solution was to make sure the boot seal was working properly.
IMHO on "square back" vehicles, the tendency for the air (gas) passing
under the vehicle to go straight up is more pronounced (greater cavitation).
Hence, the rear wiper fitted to many square back cars and minivans.
This, coupled with the slight "negative pressure" inside Spitfires (TR6
causes exhaust gasses to sucked in thru the boot.  The cockpit and
boot areas of the Spit are not really sealed from each other.   I suspect
the TR6 construction is similar.  I always used to smell exhaust every time
I was carrying something in the boot that was just a little to big to allow
boot lid to close properly.

Hope this helps

Bob Sykes,
75, 78, 78 Spits

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