Thanks Tom. I'll take a look at those pulleys.
After reading some of Theo's links, it looks like is a 'three wire' regular
that the alternator manufacturer has taken the sense wire from the output
leaving two external terminals. I intend to add one more terminal to take
a sense wire from the 'dash'. I hope with the regulator screwed to some
copper or aluminum with heatsink compound and this in turn attached to the
1/4" aluminum casing, it should be kept much cooler and still work inside.
I'll add a heat shield from the exhaust and that will hopefully be enough
to keep it sufficiently cool.
On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Tom Hall <> wrote:
> On 12/8/2013 5:07 PM, Owain Lloyd wrote:
>> This one will have to be made on a lathe. No taper though so should be
>> easy.
>> On Dec 8, 2013 8:01 PM, "Teepen, Jere" <> wrote:
> Owain,
> The design standard for Ford alternator, generator, and power steering
> (hint) shafts was 0.625 or 5/8" in the 60's - 70's period. That leaves the
> lathe work on the pulley to matching offsets for alignment. I ran a 4"
> power steering pulley on my alternator for about 30 years in those days,
> and never threw a belt. If you can identify the common connections on the
> alternator, you should also be able to bring them outside the case and run
> a totally external regulator. That alternator/regulator match and
> selection however, is definitely more in Theo's territory.
> --
> Tom Hall
> ModTiger Engineering LLC