I remember reading in one of my Tiger books (The maing of the Tiger, I think)
that heat has always plagued the Tiger. In fact the book said that the
Rootes engineers determined that no matter they did, the faster and
longer the Tiger was driven, the hotter it would run. In fact if not for
the small gas tanks, it would be possible to drive the car fast enough
and long enough until it overheated. This problem is still with us.
The good news is that Ford people have told me that as long as the coolant
does not boil, the hotter the 260/289 runs, the better it runs. Doane
Spencer told me that when he raced the Tiger, his gauges were always
pegged! He never had an engine failure due to heat.
Use a good quality oil that is low ash and heat resistant like Mobile One
and 'Press on regardless'.
Dave Johnson