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Re: High Gas Prices

To: geowiz.sgy@cox.net, Caseyh4312@aol.com, SLaifman@socal.rr.com
Subject: Re: High Gas Prices
From: Drmoonstone@aol.com
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 17:08:51 EST
It would be interesting to see if you are as generous with your praise when 
buying medicine. Profit margins up, misstatement of reserves, the suppression 
of technologies that can compete with the petroleum industry and oil companies 
and a willingness to justify any increase at pump with part truths only draws 
into focus your argument that these basically foreign owned companies are the 
"good guys" as being the company line. That fifty percent of the cost of fuel 
in CA is due to taxes is certainly an exaggeration. I don't care what fuel 
costs I just don't like being lied to by large corporations like Enron, BP, 
Shell, Global Crossing and the like.

Please take no offense at my statements, none were meant, but the oil 
companies don't need defending.

Dr. Moonstone

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