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RE: High Gas Prices

To: <Caseyh4312@aol.com>, <SLaifman@socal.rr.com>
Subject: RE: High Gas Prices
From: "James Pickard" <geowiz.sgy@cox.net>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 07:23:36 -0600
Okay, I've refrained from getting on my soap box until now, but as a
geophysicist working for an oil company, it is time to add my two cents.

We have already established that the public will pay more for bottled water
than gasoline.  Yet the American public considers cheap gas their God-given
right.  (It is somewhere in the Constitution, isn't it?)  Hence the constant
howl about the high price of gasoline.  And, we have also established that
some bottled water is nothing more than tap water delivered in a plastic

Now, to get that gallon of gasoline, some company - most likely publicly
owned (that means owned by the share holders) - has spent millions of
dollars on seismic data, leases, drilling wells (half of which are
unsuccessful), refining, and transportation, to get that gallon to your
neighborhood filling station so you can buy it for under $2.  AND NEARLY
HALF THE PRICE YOU PAY IS TAXES!  And that doesn't include the royalties
governments take off the top.

Yet all we ever hear is how the evil oil companies are ripping us off.  We
are being ripped off all right - by the government and media that feeds the
public this line.

The soap box is now available.  Let the flames begin.

Jim Pickard

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-tigers@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-tigers@autox.team.net]On
Behalf Of Caseyh4312@aol.com
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 10:40 PM
To: SLaifman@socal.rr.com
Cc: tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: High Gas Prices

We recently watched a Video over  these kinds of things  in Foods class.
Everyone was amazed. I was even  amazed too. You know that no one ever
looks at those kinds of things. Gas  looks really expensive, until you
compare it
too ordinary things that you buy at  the grocery store. They should kind of
give a discount thing, like lets say  gatorade. Its expensive if u buy one
bottle. Well compare it to buying 6 bottles  at one time, or even if you buy
big gallon bottles, its only about $3. now  why is that? is the plastic
containers really that expensive? Or do they just  want you to buy more for
just a
little bit more money?

Joey Hiykel  1966 Tiger MK1A
B382001072 LRXFE JAL#  661104

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