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Re: Re-TAC

To: laifman@flash.net
Subject: Re: Re-TAC
From: brockctella@juno.com
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 18:48:05 -0700
Steve, wrong analogy, a good jewwler will spend the time and educate you.

On Wed, 19 Aug 1998 08:32:33 -0700 Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
>BOBCARNUT@aol.com wrote:
>> It's certainly the old story of BUYER BEWARE.....but if you don't 
>know what to
>> look for, you'r out of luck. Instead of it's being a big 
>> knowlege of the differances between aTiger and an Alpine would make 
>it much
>> more difficult for a person to pass of an "Alger" as aTiger!
>> Didn't mean to rant and rave,.... just the way I feel.
>> I really enjoy and appreciate the Tiger content of this list. Lets 
>keep it up!
>>                          Bob Lerch       ( BOBCARNUT@aol.com)
>1)  I undersatnd there is an East Coast effort underway now.
>2)  If you were buying a diamond ring from a source you do not 
>absolutely have
>confidence in, wouldn't you seek some professional advice.  If you 
>did, do you
>think the advisor would teach you how to be an expert in everything to 
>do with
>jewelry appraisal and certification?
>3) In the currency field, it is always a race between the 
>counterfeiters and the
>Treasury.  Does the Treasury print a handbook on EVERYTHING they do?
>I would try to locate some Tiger owner's, as well as a good mechanic, 
>and get
>there input, at the very least.
>Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
>B9472289              < one first love, and   >
>                      < one first win, is all >
>                      < you get in this life. >
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