I am sure you have the real thing, the fakes are not that common YET we
There has been much discussion regarding the publication of such a manual,
but the general feelings were that it might just provide a larger and more
complete resource for the re-body guys, to finish of their master pieces.
As I understand there will be TAC @ TE/AE and some people in your neck of
the woods are apparently just about to be certified for TAC inspection.
I do believe that us TIGER philes have to get together and back a TAC
program, by all the clubs, here and around the world, and we will all
benefit, and worst case scenario, the value will go up...
And yes this is a great forum of information, and yes Norm really started it
all, and his book is the single best resource, that is until VOLUME 2, comes
out soon, 16 chapters and 478 pages I understand, lots of restoration
material ( I don't know specifics, just trying to push Norman along to do it
soon ) Hi Hi Hi!!
Good Luck, and enjoy your new ride..
See Ya' Jan....
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 3:34 PM
Subject: Re-TAC
>As I am about to complete the purchase of a Tiger, and not being an expert
>Tigers/Alpines/Algers, but having done my homework , such as reading any
>available on the subject, including The Book Of Norman, from cover to cover
>couple of times, I have to say that the best thing the TAC committee (or
>other knowlegable group) could do would be to have available a complete
>of differances between a Tiger and an Alpine. At this point I can only hope
>that my/our car (to be) is indeed what it appears to be.....a TIGER!
>only a small portion of existing Tigers have been authenticated, and most
>them are on the left coast! Assuming our Tiger is authentic, I certainly
>like to have it authenticated if I don't have to take it across the country
>do so. Living just outside of Buffalo, NY., I don't supose there's any
>even remotely close where I could have it done.
>It's certainly the old story of BUYER BEWARE.....but if you don't know what
>look for, you'r out of luck. Instead of it's being a big SECRET....general
>knowlege of the differances between aTiger and an Alpine would make it much
>more difficult for a person to pass of an "Alger" as aTiger!
>Didn't mean to rant and rave,.... just the way I feel.
>I really enjoy and appreciate the Tiger content of this list. Lets keep it
> Bob Lerch (