As long as others are asking about bolts for British cars, guess I
might as well toss my request in.
I'm looking for a domestic source for the following:
plated 5/8" B.S.F. x 2 3/4" hex head bolts
plated 5/8" B.S.F. x 7" hex head bolts with plated self locking nuts
Here's who I know does NOT stock or is willing to order these bolts:
British Tools & Fasteners, Los Osos, CA
Metric & Multistandard Components Corp, Chicago, NY, Dallas...
MMCC is the largest supplier of British Fasteners in the US so far as
I know, so I'm not holding out much hope for a domestic source, but
since I haven't asked here yet, thought I give it a try. No doubt I
can get these from the UK, but for the small quantity I need, I'd
prefer to keep the shipping cost down and order locally.
BTW, don't suggest Moss. I've already made the mistake of buying
their crappy fasteners.