Hello again,
Have I stumped you guys or did my first message end up in the bit-bucket?
I just purchased a MK II and would like some advice from the experts.
First, I would like manufacturers/model #s for an accurate and possibly peak
storing tach that fits the dash with no modification. Also desirable is
something that looks similar to the stock unit as this is the only deviation
I want to make from the otherwise pristine Tiger. My engine is the original
289 but is pretty tweeked (revs very quickly) and I'd rather be on the
cautious side. I've already broken a stock screw-in rocker stud and
installed a set of ARPs. I don't want to repeat this experience or, heaven
forbid, do worse damage! Maybe I'll go back to the stock tach (that I'll
calibrate to the new one) after I become more familiar with the car.
Secondly, some rust advice. One area of the car that was missed during
restoration (twice) was the driver side floor boards. Several thumb sized
holes were hiding under the jute moisture-holding sponge material. Surgery
will cure the major damage, but I'm curious what chemical warfare should be
launched on the remaining surface rust before painting and what rust
inhibitor paint would be best (Hammerite?).
thanks in advance,
Scott B382100117