As a licensed scrutineer in the UK I don't care how the kill switch is wired
up. All that matters to me is that with the engine running with about 2000
rpm on the tacho, when the switch is thrown, the engine cuts out and stops
and every thing electrical like fuel pumps and lights also stop/go out.
My experience is that the kill switch is always wired through the live
because there isn't another way of wiring the alternator or dynamo through the
switch. If the alternator or dynamo isn't wired through the kill switch the
engine carries on running with the switch thrown and the driver gets to take
car away, get it fixed and bring it back. They don't even practice till
it's working correctly.
Either US rules are different or the person telling you forcibly is less
clever than they suppose.
W e s l a k e 1330
In a message dated 14/10/2008 01:16:04 GMT Daylight Time, writes:
Racers. How do you wire your kill switches?
I was told (rather forcefully, and why haven't you done it yet?) that it
must be on the battery ground cable which, of course, is not enough. The
wiring diagram makes it clear that the alternater must be included.
Michael Rowe
'74 Midget
Long Island, NY
Support Team.Net