At 09:56 AM 10/11/01 -0700, Peter C." , Jeff Boatright <>
>Listers -
>Has anyone tried speedi-sleeves for stub axle races?
>Clay L.
>'67 Sprite + deux chats
>At 10:27 AM 10/10/01 -0500, Peter C. wrote:
>>At 10:05 AM 10/10/2001, Jeff Boatright wrote:
>> >Peter,
>> >Thanks for the information. I have done this before, that is, gone through
>> >the mental gymnastics of figuring out exactly what forces are on the
>> >bearings and hence how they should be installed - and of course this
>> >included cross-checking the Haynes with the Clymer, the Bentley, and the
>> >Moss information. You are quite right to point out that I may have them
>> >facing the wrong way, though I really thought I had them correct.
>> >
>> >Is it possible to get the bearings out without destroying the hub seal?
>> >Are there any tricks? I'd just as soon not have to buy all new when there
>> >is a new set in the hubs right now.
>> >
>> >Finally, are the plastic cages as good as the older style cages, in your
>> >experience? Are there alternatives?
>> Quite confusing when you read all those books on this subject,
>>isn't it? You'd think someone would explain the physics so that it would be
>>obvious. Anyway, for the price of a seal, couple-a-bucks, I wouldn't work
>>too hard at trying to save it. With judicious drifting, you can keep the
>>bearings, and probably reuse your old ones (from the old hubs), with some
>>careful inspection for pitting on the races and balls.
>> Plastic cages are being used by many manufacturers on many
>>bearings, so I couldn't say they are inherently inferior. Though, I must
>>agree with Frank, given a choice I feel more comfortable with metal; just a
>>gut feeling. I can't say that personally I have had any negative feedback
>>from the current supply of bearings. They do look "less hefty", FWIW.
>> Other alternatives? NOS bearings are possible, though "shelf rot"
>>might undo any advantage. Roller bearings might be a good alternative, but
>>with the reported problems some have had, I'd go carefully.
>> Another possible cause comes to mind. I do know that used hubs
>>with good bearing surfaces are hard to find. Several salvage dealers I know
>>say that they are running about 30% unusable for that reason. Too loose le
>>track for the races.
>> Take another look at what you have. Try to recall how hard they
>>went in.... recheck the nut tightness.
>> Good luck.
>> Peter
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