Thanks for the response.
Spacers in place. Which specific clearances? I thought that there was
no adjustment on the Sprite bearings or torque value on the axle nut.
That is, from the three manuals I have, I didn't see any information
beyond just the torque value.
Running positive camber with radials makes sense? Loosening of
bearings after 200 miles just because of offset bushings is likely?
Maybe I'd buy it after 20000 miles. Point taken about Ass Prof,
though, but yes, I did have several email conversations with those
who've made this change and have lots of miles under their belts
afterwards. It could be a contributing factor, but I'm not pushing
the car that hard, so less likely.
As for the plastic races, as I wrote, what are the options out there?
Theses are as Moss supplied to my local reseller (I try to support
them when I can; and local means right down the street).
BTW, if I start to find the the picture of the cartoon chick on Busty
attractive, does that mean I've been sniffing too much HogWash? :)
>T W O things, Jeff:
><<3. Has anyone had problems with bearings with plastic races? >>
>W H A T ? ! ? ! ? ! ? "plastic?????" Doh.
><<BTW, offset bushings for the upper trunnion really improve handling.
>The harder I turn, the deeper it digs.>>
>Would you might "suspect" could "contribute" to pre-mature FAILURE of
>any/all suspension parts???
>Ot maybe I missed you are operating a Race Prepared Car????
>Lets see. Your "sig" line is:
>"Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
>Assistant Professor,...." Correct??
>Yo Prof!! K I S S !!
>Ya build it different, ya "break" it diff.!!
>PS: Spacers in place AND clearences set properly??
Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
Assistant Professor, Emory Eye Center, Atlanta, GA
Senior Editor, Molecular Vision
<mailto: jboatri@emory.edu>