Peter's right. Go figure. You might end up with either two filler plugs, or
none. Neither is an issue if you fill it up from the axle tube on a slant.
But be sure not to overfill it. ANyone remember the recommended oil capacity
of the differentials?
"Peter C." <> wrote:
> If memory serves, at some point in the lineage of these third members, the
filler plug or drain plug atrophies. Take a look at that so you are prepared.
Peter C
At 02:04 PM 9/26/2001, Roger Cotting wrote:
>Yes. Time to replace your gaskets and O-rings at axle ends. Check tightness
>of big nuts. And change rear end fluid.
> > Dear list
> > I am about to buy a 3.9 rear end from a 76 Midget. Will this just bolt
> > housing for my 4.33 Bugeye?
> >
> > David Oliner
> > 60 Bugeye
> > 67 TR 4A