Welcome to the list.
If you really want to score points here, use the word 'thread' as often as you
can. Also they
really love to talk about Triumphs, and especially the 'superior' engineering
of Japanese built
Oh yeah, cats cats cats, which type do you prefer for applying wax??
Have fun ;->
Bryan Vandiver (59 bugeye)
>X-Unix-From: Tue Oct 12 11:31:14 1999
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Subject: Introduction...
>I thought I would send off a note introducing myself to the Spridgets
>mailing list. My name is Garry McKissick and live in Michigan with the
>wife, Jennifer, and daughter, Anne. We are very new to Austin Healeys
>and have begun our search for a 58-61" Austin Healey Bugeye Sprite. All
>that we care about right now is that, is it driveable (it could be
>partailly restored or older restoration)...? We want a car that we
>could drive right away without too much work (i'm not afraid to work on
>the car either). Were trying to find out going rates for these cars
>too... So, if anyone knows of the whereabouts of a Bugeye Sprite ---
>please let me know.
>My knowledge of building engines and fixing vehicles in general goes
>back a long time. But most of the racing knowledge has to deal with
>Dodge Turbocharged vehicles (working as a development engineer for
>DaimlerChrysler might have something to do with this). I have designed
>and built a 4-cylinder turbo that's making over 300hp to the wheels ---
>that's another story.
>Now you might be wondering how in the world did I ever get interested in
>Austin Healey Bugeye Sprites...??? Well that would have to be because
>of some good friends of ours from England, Chris and Ali Nevard. Some
>of you might know Chris, because he runs "The Midget and Sprite Club
>Online" page.
>I hope to learn a lot from this mailing list and maybe some day be able
>to help you guys/gals out.