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Shortened driveline - = long - and a BIG question!

To: "CARS nass@yahoogroups." <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Shortened driveline - = long - and a BIG question!
From: <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 19:08:04 -0400
Ok...you all know my exploits by now...moving the 6 cyl back 6" in a Spit 
and adding F.I.....
Well I've got a dilemma here that needs a bit of pondering ...so I'm asking 
the lists for their 'gut feeling' on this one.

I dropped off yesterday, and picked up today, my shortened driveshaft from a 
major company that specializes in such things.
I had given them a dimension to cut it down to. 29" flange to flange. Now on 
this GT6 shaft (no...I didn't modify the more scarce o/d driveshaft I have 
here...I used a regular non-o/d shaft)  you've got the sliding section.  The 
guys that come to the counter, are the actual guys doing al lthe work. (not 
some flunky office worker...greasy hands and work overalls are a dead 
giveaway)  When talking to the guy, I told him  "29" flange to flange 
compressed. That will give me the 29.5" I need...and give me about a 1/2" 
freeplay both ways"   He write down on the little tag that he attaches to 
the shaft    - shorten 29" F.F.

So today I pick up the driveshaft. It looked REALLY good. The welding/mod 
was superb.  When I got home this evening from work, I measured the shaft. 
CRAP!  It's 28 3/8"  What the heck!  So I call the shop... I ended up 
talking to the guy that I had originally talked to the first day, and tell 
him what I found.  He says "yes...I was the one that tagged it....  29" 
flange to flange operating"

"nnooOOO!"  I said.... "  29" compressed! I told you I needed 29.5" and to 
cut it to 29" compressed to give me freeplay in both directions."

So.... I down to the garage I go...reinstall the engine, and bolt up the 
driveshaft to see how little freeplay I'm going to have. Yep.... less than 
3/8" max extension left to get it bolted up to the tranny and diff.   I 
verified this by unbolting the front engine mounts and dragging the engine 
forward. Yep... the mounts are just barely 3/8" in front of the towers.

How much freeplay is toooo little?  Between possible frame flex, motor mount 
flex under braking and etc.... does anyone feel I'm cutting it a bit too 
close having this slip joint extended out so far... with so little endplay 
avail?  Yes... I've moved the motor/tranny back as far as I can .   What's 
the consensous on this ever so tight consensous freeplay?

The guy says he can add a section back in.... but then I'm worried about 
balance and al lthe extra welding ...letting alone getting it straight and 
true.  Should I leave well enough alone and go with it as is.... or have the 
shop fix it to give me more freeplay lengthwise?

pissed and dismayed here.


Paul Tegler

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