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Re: What's it worth? *Kinda long...*

To: David Mayer <celiracer81@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: What's it worth? *Kinda long...*
From: public@sweavo.34sp.com
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 10:15:47 +0100
Quoting David Mayer <celiracer81@hotmail.com>:

> Hello all,
>   I have been very busy lately and getting very discouraged this summer with
> the Spitfire.  So discouraged that i am to the point of THINKING about
> getting
> rid of it.  I am just hitting a lot of walls right now that i don't have the
> know-how, or money to break down.  It has been over two years now since i
> got
> the car.  I have gotten a lot farther in the project than anyone thought i
> could with what i was given.  But there comes a time when you have to sit
> back
> and decide where the time and money could be better spent.

Did you figure where it could be better spent?  If you are only giving up
through discouragement, then I would counsel taking a step back and making
smaller, incremental steps while you're going though the discouraged phase.  If
you are giving up because you could use the space and the time for more
pressing matters, then by all means shift it on.  I'm afraid I can't even guess
at the price for such a project.  

I've just been going through a similar, though much lesser, feeling with my car:
though it's perfectly roadworthy I don't have anywhere near me off road let
alone covered to keep it or work on it, and my house is on a slope making
working on it harder too.  I have a new exhaust, carpets and tonneau to put on
but the car lives across the other side of town on someone's drive, and time as
always is precious.

>   So here is my question to you all.  i have spent a good amount of money on
> new parts for this car and i have a lot of extra parts.

You'll not recover money spent.  All you can do with these things is throw money
at them and make sure you get the equivalent in pleasure!

>   Now for the things wrong with it.  Needs a repaint, LOTS of TLC, needs
> carpet, needs new seats, 

Again, forgive me if I'm off whack, but it sounds like you're just getting
bogged down in the quantity of stuff that needs doing.  Do you think if you
divided the work down into manageable chunks, forget about finishing, and enjoy
the process you could make a go of it?  Then after lots of fun tinkering, and
maybe many years later, you'll have a beautiful car about which you can say "I
made this!"

Hope that wasn't exactly the wrong thing to say...


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