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Carb Linkage?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Carb Linkage?
From: "John D. Benson Jr." <benson9273@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 22:02:44 -0400

I have a 1979 Spitfire with a 1966 GT6 engine and the carb linkage is 
very . . . well, messed-up. Don't get me wrong it does work, but for how 
long? If anyone out there has ideas on how I can fix my problem please 
let me know. I can send pictures of what I have at the moment off 
e-mail. I don't want anyone to get too big of a laugh, so we will do 
this one on one.

Thanks for the help.


John D. Benson

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