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Re: Didn't take me long... new Spit

To: JohnZissler@aol.com
Subject: Re: Didn't take me long... new Spit
From: "James Carruthers" <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 14:03:54 +0100 (BST)
Oddly, the number plate is similar to my 77:

'69 - XTG 882H
'77 - XOO 852S

(OK... three letters... sort of similar)

Even more odder... the 8, 5 and 2's make up my birthday 28/5/82...

You may be right about the rear bumpers... it does look quite nice with
them off... but... it still looks like theres something missing...

Unsure of Poppy... I think I need to get to know this car a little better
- at the moment it still feels like a friend of a friend :) Although my
last one never really had a name and I had that for 18 months... Plus also
my sister used to have a rabbit called Poppy... mine was called Blackjack
by the way... and it was female... don't ask me why I called her that! I'm
not good with names... although I did suggest my brothers name...
Michael... after Michael J. Fox... having just watch Back to the Future on


JohnZissler@aol.com said:
> Hi James, well we had a look at the photos of your 'baby' and looked at
> the
> reg number , the only bit of fun I can come up with for XTG is      X Tra
> Go.
> Just a small point and that is the rear bumpers. After looking at the rear
> of
> yours, I am very seriously considering leaving mine off. Do you not think
> that
> the Spit has some good curved lines at the rear ? Also it looks a little
> less
> cluttered at the back. Hmmmm.
> Anyway James have fun, lots of it....................
> ps Ann says to call your new 'baby'   Miss Poppy  (cos of the colour)
> Happy Spitting..................John  (In the UK)
> Spitfire MkII in bits. (Others call it restoration)
> Spitfire Chassis MkIV (awaiting a spot of welding) I am nearly a collector
> !!!!!!!
> Spitfire Mk III (for spares)   I 'am' a collector !!!!!!

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