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RE: Diff drain

To: "Spitfires Mail List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Diff drain
From: "Chris & Kelly Sharp" <4sharps@lvcm.com>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 20:55:59 -0700

I just pulled the diff on my early spit to repair a sheared axle shaft.
There are some differences but overall I think yours is very similar.

Don't pull the pinion.  You don't need to for what you want to do.  Also,
it's preloaded and if your car is a 1500, setting it requires a replacement
"collapsible spacer."  Earlier cars used shims.  Not sure where a '74 falls,
but could go either way considering the way Leyland sourced parts around
that time....

Splitting the case is really straight forward.  You have to remove both axle
shafts (4 allen head bolts on each) first, then undo the eight 1/2-inch
bolts around the housing.  Comes right apart.  You'll need a new paper
gasket when you reassemble.

BTW, another option is to drill a hole from the inside of the casing into
the bottom threaded bolt hole.  That way you can just use the bottom bolt as
your drain plug and you don't have to tap a hole and install a plug.


64 Spitfire4 BFC26375L

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