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Re: engine rebuilding

To: Mike Welch <mikew@turbopower.com>
Subject: Re: engine rebuilding
From: Joe Curry <Spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 19:04:47 -0700
Mike Welch wrote:
> OK, for those of you who don't remember, I exploded a piston a few weeks
> ago (http://www.home.turbopower.com/~mikew/Spitfire/69Spit_4.htm).  I
> finally tore everything down and brought the block in to be hot tanked,
> magnafluxed and mic'd.  The one thing I forgot about was the cam
> bearings.  The machine shop removed the old ones so I'll have to put new
> ones in.  Is that something that a person of reasonable mechanical
> aptitude can do, or is it something that requires special tools (i.e.
> have the shop do it).
> On a somewhat related note, anyone happen to know when the Spitfire went
> unleaded?  If the old head is damaged (it's being magnafluxed now) I'd
> just as soon get a 1500 head that already has the unleaded valves.
> Mike Welch
> God Bless America
> -------

You don't need to change heads to run unleaded.  You can simply have
your valves and seats replaced with hardened ones.  It will then be able
to burn unleaded without worrying about recession.  Plus, the 1500 heads
are much thicker than a Mk3 head and unless you shave it considerably,
it will be way down on compression.


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