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engine rebuilding

To: <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: engine rebuilding
From: "Mike Welch" <mikew@turbopower.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:24:03 -0700
OK, for those of you who don't remember, I exploded a piston a few weeks
ago (http://www.home.turbopower.com/~mikew/Spitfire/69Spit_4.htm).  I
finally tore everything down and brought the block in to be hot tanked,
magnafluxed and mic'd.  The one thing I forgot about was the cam
bearings.  The machine shop removed the old ones so I'll have to put new
ones in.  Is that something that a person of reasonable mechanical
aptitude can do, or is it something that requires special tools (i.e.
have the shop do it).
On a somewhat related note, anyone happen to know when the Spitfire went
unleaded?  If the old head is damaged (it's being magnafluxed now) I'd
just as soon get a 1500 head that already has the unleaded valves.

Mike Welch
God Bless America

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