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Re: Spitfire parts

To: "griffco" <griffco@griffco.ca>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Spitfire parts
From: Dan Canaan <flinters@picarefy.com>
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2002 14:58:56 -0700
At 08:43 AM 9/3/02 -0600, griffco wrote:
>Somebody, somebody please rescue Huw's parts!  I'm going out of the country
>for 2 months or I'd bring my pickup and trailer right to his door and take
>them away.
>Its amazing how many little bits one needs when doing a complete
>restoration, and this sounds too good to let go to the recyclers.
>Save the Spitfire!

Huw's email access is a bit limited as the machine that he uses took a dive 
just after he posted the information so he's not able to answer your emails 
currently.  But don't worry, the parts are being saved and the tub may have 
a new home as well.  More information as it becomes available.

-Vegaman Dan
This message has been sent by Dan Canaan, aka Flinthoof.  All content is 
copyrighted by this individual for better or for worse, especially if there 
is mint involved.  We thank you for your support.  Please give mint to your 
local Mint Cross Center. 

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