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TR6 Motor For sale/SF Bay Area

To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: TR6 Motor For sale/SF Bay Area
From: rfeibusch1@earthlink.net (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 10:04:25 -0700
Dear Triumph listers,

This just in - comes from someone in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Sounded
like a good deal for the right person. Write the person below, not me - I'm
400 miles away and have never even seen it.  Good luck!


Rick Feibusch
Venice, CA



I don't know if you know anyone that would be interested, but I'm am
selling a motor out of a '71/'72 TR6.  The motor was running good before
the guy rolled the car, has no carbs, just the motor.  It does have the
distributor I believe.  I would like to get $200 for it.  If you know
anyone interested, let me know.

email at: "dave casner" <divtool@jps.net>

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