At 06:26 AM 5/13/02 , Richard Gosling wrote:
>If you are going to make your own wiring harnesses, be DAMNED sure that your
>abilities to make solid, reliable electrical connections are at least as
>good as the professionals. Otherwise, my advice would be to leave it to
I confess, my O/D also started getting flaky last year, and the cause
turned out to be a bad crimped connection in my home-made harness.
It's really a drag to have to pull the tranny cover just to fix one
little 29-cent crimp-on connector.
The biggest cause of failure seems to be using a crimp-on connector
that is too large for the wire. Also, try to avoid the cheapo
connectors that come in sets, and look for quality ones from
an electrical supply store. Avoid Radio Shack (naturally).
I got my best connectors when I was visiting Silicon Valley in CA
on a business trip, and I went to an electronics surplus store.
Doug Braun
'72 Spit
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