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Re: Which year 1500?

To: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>, <spitlist@gte.net>
Subject: Re: Which year 1500?
From: <ptegler@gouldfo.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 11:59:28 -0500
...Have to agree with Joe here...
just dug through a bunch of  photos (not on my website)
of passed restos...   BOTH of 1975's, my 1978, and my 1980
ALL have the exact same bar inside the door up against
the door skin.

Paul Tegler     ptegler@gouldfo.com    www.teglerizer.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
To: <spitlist@gte.net>
Cc: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: Which year 1500?

You may well have something in the doors, but side impact beams did not show up 
on Spitfires until 1980.  That is well documented in any Spitfire history book, 
or factory literature on the subject you care to read.

>>> Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net> 02/08/02 03:10PM >>>
Sorry Nolan but you are wrong.  The doors were original equipment on this 
Belgium Assembled car.  I don't know where you got your information but my
experience shows that it is incorrect.

There may have been a larger bar put into the doors, but there was a side 
impact bar none the less.  One of the doors is currently on Tiny Tim (sans
the side-impact bar which was a bear to remove) and the other went to Brad 
Kahler's nephew (or some relative) for a car he was restoring.  Both had
the bars and both were original to the car as evidenced by the paint inside and 


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