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I think I broke it!

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: I think I broke it!
From: "Mike Perry" <mikep@michindust.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 20:42:24 -0400
OK, after a bit of spirited driving, my overflow bottle was literally
boiling over (temp was high, but not maxed.

The culprit:
1972 Spit, 1296, dual HS4s
Less than 6,000 miles on the motor

The other particulars:
New (recored) radiator, water pump less than 2,000miles ago, thermostat less
than 200 miles ago, radiator cap less than 1,000 miles ago.  Timing
advanced, but not radically so (sweet spot around 4,500rpms).  Carbs tuned
by the lifting pins and appear to be correct.  Plugs concur.

It has a tendency to run high on the temp gauge, but a thermometer reads at
183 degrees, so I've been letting it go.

My suspicions:  Perhaps a bad head gasket, leading to increased coolant
temp/pressure.  Today (24 hours after the incident) I noticed "sludge" under
the radiator cap, along with a small "droplet" of what could be oil in the
radiator (under the cap).  Could confirm the above theory.

Wadday think?  Have I created a winter project for myself?

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