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Re: GT6 engine barely runs ?

To: "Dan Canaan" <Flinters@picarefy.com>,
Subject: Re: GT6 engine barely runs ?
From: "Mike Ross" <mikeross@Prodigy.net>
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 22:37:35 -0400
Thanks Doug and Dan for the clues.  Unfortunately neither loose wires
or low voltage to the coil seem to be the problem.  The battery has to
jumped to start, but that's another problem I need to track down.  The
engine runs, but poorly.  I'm thinking I might have rust in the fuel
line that may have entered the carb float chamber and screwed up one
of the jets.

I'll be up early tomorrow to do some more detective work.
Mike           http://pages.prodigy.net/mikeross
'63 Spitfire
'66 Spitfire
'68 Spitfire (donor body tub for GT6 convertible)
'69 GT6+  (donor chassis for GT6 convertible)
'70 GT6+

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Canaan" <Flinters@picarefy.com>
To: "Mike Ross" <mikeross@Prodigy.net>; "spitfires@autox.team"
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: GT6 engine barely runs ?

> Since you were working on the electrical system and the car ran fine
> that, but not afterwards, it does lead me to believe there is
> amiss in the ignition circuit.  The symptoms you are reporting
happen when
> you get a weak spark due to low voltage at the coil.  Try jumping a
> from the coil to the battery for a full voltage and see if the car
> better.  If so, then track down the wire from the coil to the key
> and see if you have a poor connection someplace.  I suspect you'll
find a
> bad crimp or loose spade terminal someplace.
> >I have a question for those real mechanics on the list.  My GT6 ran
>great a couple of days ago.  Then I installed new horns and tracked
>down a short in a turn signal wire.  I had to pull the dash and
>instruments out to track it down.  The only other thing I did was add
>a quart of oil.
>Today I tried to start the car and the battery was too low to turn
>over.  I jumped it and it turned over but didn't want to start.
>Finally I held the gas pedal all the way down and it started.  But,
>ran really rough, almost like it was too rich.  After running at
>2500 rpm for a minute I let off the gas and it wouldn't idle...it
>died.  Tried again and it only started with pedal all the way down.
>As it was revving it began to misfire and backfire.
>What gives?  Sounds like it's too rich when I start up.  Then it
>sounds like the carbs aren't tuned or there is a vacuum leak.  I
>figure out how this could be since I didn't mess with anything other
>than the wiring to the horn and turn signals.

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