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RE: RE: Contact Request

To: "'Nolan Penney'" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Subject: RE: RE: Contact Request
From: "Bowen, Patrick" <pbowen@intellinetics.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 11:34:04 -0500
Nolan, common - tell us how you really feel.

Patrick Bowen

-----Original Message-----
From: Nolan Penney [mailto:npenney@mde.state.md.us]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 11:20 AM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: RE: Contact Request

E-bay doesn't give a damn if sellers rip customers off.  As long as the
seller is giving them their cut, everything if fine and dandy by them.
Customers are simply scum to be milked.  E-bay makes that very clear in all
their threats and warnings about suspending buyers who do not pay, with
nothing about sellers that do not deliver.

I've been burned by a seller, and e-bay, before.  The seller didn't send the
product, though he took my money.  After several months of trying to get him
to reply I left a negative feedback.  I was also following the procedures
for an insurance claim and investigation.  Because I left a negative
feedback on the seller, I was denied an insurance claim.  After all, the
instructions clearly state that you cannot receive an insurance claim if the
seller has had any negative feedbacks in the past six months.  Cute.  E-bay
also removed the item early from their listings, effectively blocking me
from the required step of printing the web listing to send in to their
insurance division.  They removed the web page on the exact day they told me
to send in a copy of it.

E-bay concluded their "investigation", and nothing happened.  I asked them
several times what they had concluded and what their action was to be.  They
finally replied.  Since he'd only ripped me off, he was an acceptable seller
in good standing, no action was warranted against him for his theft.  They
didn't even beat around the bush in that reply.  Flatly and absolutely, they
fully condone theft by the sellers.

So of course e-bay would allow a seller to hide is negative feedbacks.  If
they didn't, they wouldn't make as much money on their percentages.

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