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Re: brake failure & Lemons

To: "Craig Smith" <CraigS@iewc.com>,
Subject: Re: brake failure & Lemons
From: "Laura G." <Laura.G@141.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 06:29:08 -0800
> "a Ferrari, BMW...Badge on the front for NO problems." ?
> I can't say for Mercedes, but the other two-you're joking, right?

No matter how much money one has-when the Bimmer breaks down
and leaves you waiting for AAA on a dark and stormy night-it's a problem.

>> In a way,
>> If you can afford one of those, if it breaks you get your private
>> to fix it.

A Ferrari-yes. Most Ferraris are bought, driven *very* little and then sold.
(Making a three year old version of a current model a 'bargain' if one has
sort of money and wants a car to put away.)

The well to do and rich have car problems-just a different sort of prolem

But, how many people have Mercedes and BMW and don't have a private
mechanic? Most of the people I know. They go to their local dealerships,
German car specialist-and heck-I know more than a few who do it themselves!
Granted, the ones who do it themselves are dealing with the older, and
models. I wish they did all have private mechanics! I'm so tired of seeing
old BMWs from the '60s and '70s either in their original-but
or having been "restored" terribly-with love and as little money as possible
by their
(amateur) owners. Poor babies. (At least, spring for some good body work
spraying it themselves!)

I know a handful of people with old Mercedes that need work and for some
they all come to *me!* for advice!

Laura G.
Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!

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