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More parts supplier questions

To: "Spitlist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: More parts supplier questions
From: "Bill Gingerich" <wrgingerich@qwest.net>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 21:03:15 -0600
Greetings, fellow listers!

I've been reading all of the opinions about the various parts suppliers.
The question arises: is there any real difference in the quality of body
panels listed by TRF and Rimmer (supplied by British Motor Heritage) and
those from Moss, Spitbits, or BPNW (perhaps from BMH, but I'm not sure)?
I've bought floors and mechanical parts from Moss, and have not been
disappointed.  I've always had great experiences with Spitbits, and have no
reason to assume that will change.  I've never ordered from Rimmer or TRF,
but am considering it.  I guess it boils down to can I go wrong with any of
the above mentioned suppliers?  As long as I order OE parts, can I be 95%
sure the stuff will fit and function properly?

Sorry if it seems I'm beating a dead horse.


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