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A little banged up (long)

To: "Spitfires List Server" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: A little banged up (long)
From: "Chris Sharp" <sharpc@interaxs.net>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 14:27:44 -0500

Just thought I'd share with you a little episode that occured Thursday

I moved to Ohio about a year ago and after getting the Spit painted and put
back together, I keep it parked in the garage most of the time.  When the
snow first fell this year, I put it away for the winter, intending to drive
the Jeep everywhere I needed to go.  Well, the ignition switch on the Jeep
went out and the snow was all melted off of the streets so I brought the
Spit out of the garage to drive for a couple of days until I could get the
Jeep fixed.  I still park it in the garage at night, but leave it out during
the day for convienience.

Thursday, I didn't get the car in the garage early enough.  A little after
dark, I heard a loud band and my son ran into the room telling me someone
had hit the car.  We ran out to investigate.

I think I should tell you that I live at the foot of a steep, 50-foot tall
hill.  It was (and is) still covered with snow.  And, of course, the local
kids like to slide down the hill.  One of my neighbors sons had slid down
the hill in the dark and smashed the rear drivers side fender, moving the
car about 6-inches in the process. I found him lying on the pavement saying
that he didn't think he'd make it all the way across the street like that.

Thankfully, Alex (the sled rider) is ok, just a few scrapes and bruses.  To
my surprise, the Spit will take about $1000US to fix.  I didn't think it was
that bad but both of the estimates I got this morning were pretty high.  My
neighbor has agreed to foot the bill, but isn't too happy with it as you can



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