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Re: Things to do with the LBC...

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Things to do with the LBC...
From: reed mideke <rfm@cruzers.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 19:44:22 -0800
Raoul Rodriguez wrote:
> 2) The brakes.  They were rebuilt in the last couple of
> years... but they don't have the stopping power I like,
> I have heard that GT6 brakes will mate up with no problems,
> and they are more powerful.  So... what will I need/where
> can I get them?  I was looking for the front ones in
> particular...
One thing to remember about spitfire brakes is that the rears
are manual adjust and need periodic adjustment. (unlike most cars
as far back as about 1960). Haynes puts the adjustment period at
around 6000 miles. I suspect that I do mine more often than that,
but haven't had a working odometer for that long.
Even with everything adjusted and in decent shape, an all manual
system has a very different feel than any power assist. But MHO is
that if you can lock up all four (which a spitfire in good tune has
no trouble doing) then you have all the power you need. It takes 
some getting used to though. Now whenever I get in another car I
stop VERY suddenly for the first few times.

Reed Mideke
email: rfm(at)cruzers.com  -If that fails:  rfm(at)portalofevil.com

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