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RE: stop press

To: "'John Cave'" <cavej@mcmaster.ca>,
Subject: RE: stop press
From: "Banbury, Terrence" <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 10:55:01 -0400
I didn't like the Alchemy aspect either.  Their webpage reeks of carpet
bagger-opportunist "projects".    I wonder if Ford is working behind the
scene on this.  They do have a financial interest in Jaguar.  Why not
explore the lower priced end of this market?  They certainly have the
capital to work with.
Terry Banbury

> ----------
> From:         Gascoigne, Andy[SMTP:Andy.Gascoigne@gov.ky]
> Reply To:     Gascoigne, Andy
> Sent:         Wednesday, May 03, 2000 10:24 AM
> To:   'John Cave'; Spitfire List
> Subject:      RE: stop press
> I've heard about this too(and it's something I feel strongly about)
> The romantically-named 'Phoenix Group' is headed up by an ex-Rover man and
> some other people from the UK car industry. It's a valliant attempt to
> regain some credibility from a seemingly lost cause. Phoenix are hoping to
> get several millions worth of aid from the UK Govt, as they only have
> around
> 200-million themselves. The Govt is caught in "Eurocracy" - in fact a
> 150-million pound grant was caught up in Brussels, intended for Rovers
> current owners - BMW!
> I am sceptical - in fact I think the whole BMW deal was rotten to the
> core.
> They had ideas above their station BMW is still a 'family business' and
> doesn't have the financial clout to match people like Ford or Volkswagen.
> I hope that this comes off, but I think that Rover is doomed without some
> serious help. Selling off "names" like "MG" and "Land Rover" just stinks.
> I
> am glad Alchemy is out of the way, they had no intentions of doing
> anything
> but making a fast buck.
> Lets hope they can rise from the ashes (at least it's more feasible than
> turning lead into gold)
> Andy Gascoigne
> http://www.spitfires.net 
> PS - If Rover folds, it will mean that the country's largest car
> manufacturer is, wait for it; TVR !
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Cave [mailto:cavej@mcmaster.ca]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 9:08 AM
> To: Spitfire List
> Subject: stop press
> news this morning from the u.k. re the ongoing saga of B.M.W. and
> ROVER.The venture capital company Alchemy which was going to trade under
> the name M.G. has withdrawn from negoations with B.M.W.  A new group
> called Phoenix  headed by the former chairman of ROVERS and preferred by
> the U.K. government is now talking with B.M.W. if they get ROVERS they
> say they will trade under a classic British car name possibly
> Austin-Healey or TRIUMPH.
>                              John Cave
> .

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