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RE: TRF Catalogue!!

To: "'Chris De Wet'" <DeWetC1@sapo.co.za>,
Subject: RE: TRF Catalogue!!
From: "Gascoigne, Andy" <Andy.Gascoigne@gov.ky>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 09:32:29 -0500
IMHO, there's an even better one now;

Try the new Rimmer Bros catalogue - it's that good, you can READ it!

Rimmers always used to have tons of stuff for later Spits, but were lacking
on the early models (pre Mk4) - Now they've turned this around and really
gone to town. Can't fault them on this item. Lists tons of aftermarket items
too (no I don't work for 'em either!)

try http://www.rimmerbros.co.uk and you can order one online - just remember
to ask for the price lise too, it's seperate!

(they export worldwide and will ship the catalogue FOC)

Andy Gascoigne
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris De Wet [mailto:DeWetC1@sapo.co.za]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 7:52 AM
To: 'BILL McDEVITT'; Spifires Autox Team; Keith R. Stewart
Subject: RE: TRF Catalogue!!
Importance: High

Bill and list
John Kipping Triumph Spares in the UK do have a comprehensive catalogue that
includes the early Spitfires and Heralds .
Chris de Wet
South Africa
One '56 TR 3 with o/d , two Heralds and four early Spitfires without o/d .

-----Original Message-----
From: BILL McDEVITT [mailto:wmmk1@informatics.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 4:08 PM
To: Spifires Autox Team; Keith R. Stewart
Subject: TRF Catalog!!

Right on Keith, I'm in complete agreement with your reply
on this subject!! To my knowledge, no one publishes an
early Spitfire catalog?? When I was restoring my 1964 in
1991, they did have a catalog at that time and I purchased 
90% of my parts from them. Not because of the catalog, but
because of the quality. To this day, all their parts are still
functioning and wish I could say the same about the few
parts from other suppliers. I also have a parts manual and
look up the part number I'm in need of and call it in, no
problem!! They also have a toll free number for parts, if you 
do not have the part number. They have a toll free number
for tech help and have very knowledgeable people there
to help you!! The other two majors have very few parts for
the early Spits, so I don't even bother calling them, especially
the one in the mid-West!! They cost me over 1,000 bucks,
because of defective differential gears and their 6 months
warranty on same. Even though I'm 1200 miles from TRF,
they will always get my business!! Bill   

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