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RE: moaners

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net,
Subject: RE: moaners
From: "Banbury, Terrence" <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 10:28:12 -0500
The difficulty of running a business is not the issue.  Business owners
choose to do so.  They do make decisions that affect employees, however,
they are not responsible for providing jobs for these people.  The employees
must take responsibility for their own wellbeing and that includes choosing
to work for the employer that suits their needs.  

The headaches that come with running a business, sole proprietorship mostly,
CAN be offset by a passionate belief in your mission.  I think Mr. Runyon
has that, and has for a long time.  I don't think the others do.  They seem
to run things on a less personal basis.  Some of us like it,.. some don't.
If I need a part quick so I can drive to work in a few days, then I want
decent quality parts right now.  If I want the highest quality parts for my
restoration, hobby car; then ...I'll wait.  I've been satisfied and
dissatisfied with purchases from TRF and others.  I have NEVER felt that TRF
has abused our business relationship.

If you are in business, you look for creative ways to stay alive.  The
Coventry Inn, I believe, was an attempt to diversify and at the same time,
add to our LBC experience.  If it had worked, "What a Great Idea".  It still
is a great idea, it just didn't function due to???? What...any number of
reasons.    How many business ventures fail monthly?  Lets not forget that
having more competition come along recently may have required a need for
diversification, too.

I, too, have recently joined TRF's Car CLub and plan to make monthly

Terry Banbury

> ----------
> From:         SJagGo@aol.com[SMTP:SJagGo@aol.com]
> Reply To:     SJagGo@aol.com
> Sent:         Friday, March 17, 2000 7:53 PM
> To:   triumphs@autox.team.net; spitfires@autox.team.net
> Subject:      Re: moaners
> Greetings:  
> To all the complainers out there who have never run a business, especially
> their own. Try being the person that provides not only for your family but
> are responsible for providing jobs for others.  Mr. Runyon (TRF) not only 
> provides us with very, very good quality parts, but provides jobs for
> others 
> as well.  Most of us don't have a clue as to what goes on behind the
> scenes 
> to maintain a business cash flow as well as inventory.
> I've been ordering form TRF for almost 20 years and am delighted to still
> do 
> so.  In fact this year I joined the club they have.  Not only did I get 
> tremendous savings on my winter parts order, but the specials each month
> in 
> addition to the $25 per month coupon are a real bargain.
> Sure, some parts are backordered, but they are worth the wait.  I ordered 
> over 50 different parts for my Mk1 and 1500 Spitfires and most of them 
> arrived in a few days.
> My Mk1 Midnight Blue seat covers came yesterday and are they ever nice and
> at 
> a bargain price.
> So go ahead people rip into your suppliers, but when you do, please let me
> know how many W2's or 1099's you sent out this year.
> Bill Brockschmidt

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