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Re: moaners

To: bethken@erols.com, triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: moaners
From: SJagGo@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 12:18:12 EST
Greetings Ken,
Again, I ask the question.  How many W2's and 1099's did you send out last 
If you had, you would see the logic.  If you think money is the source 
motivation for all action, then none of us should spend any time with our 
TR's; they will never return a monetary gain for all the time and parts we 
place into them.  We do it because we obtain pleasure from a job well done, 
and the sensual pleasure of the actual drive.  It's also a pleasure to meet 
fellow enthusiasts with whom we share a common bond.  Not all employers are 
out there to scrape every dime and nickel from their workers.  There are 
people who have the talent to provide work for those unable to do so 
themselves and believe me many of them take their responsibilities seriously. 
 Even Scrooge saw the light.  God bless us every one!
Bill Brockschmidt
Springfield, IL

PS  Hey Joe-  Is Tiny Tim named after the Dickens character or Herbert Khoury 
(aka Tiptoethruthetulips-Tiny Tim)?

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