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Re: moaners

To: <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: moaners
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 17:00:25 -0800
I am one of those people who never orders from TRF-the first guy I usually
call is Nigel at Spitbits. Why? Cause TRF never sent me a bloody catalog! I
requested 3 times-even after you all got yours-and nothing. My email went
unanswered too. I may not have personally sent out W-2s but, having been a
manager in businesses ( and organized a restaurant office-which included
creating employee files as there weren't any when I got there!) for a number
of years I know that there are some things you gotta do for the customer-and
one of them is to answer inquiries in a timely fashion. Or they go elsewhere
with their money.(Duh!)

Laura G.

Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!
----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick Bowen <pabowen@mediaone.net>
To: <SJagGo@aol.com>; <bethken@erols.com>; <triumphs@autox.team.net>;
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: moaners

> While we all appreciate and understand the fact that BIG suppliers are
> makes this industry run (as in any)  I truly am beginning to wonder if TRF
> fits into that picture.  They have a big name, but I know more people that
> don't/won't order from them than do.  And almost exclusively order from
> Schumacher, spitbits, and British Parts Northwest and the like.
> While no body argues the difficulty of running a business, it is the
> customers that decide if the business is worth it.  Customers do not care
> how many W2s and 1099s you had to fill out, they want their parts, at a
> price, on time, and preferably with some quality customer service.  It is
> these qualities that are lacking with TRF.  I have had trouble with every
> single order I have ever placed with TRF.  and all the items I have bought
> (if they ever come) arrive in zip lock bags with a typed label, and that
> only after waiting at least two months or more.  I can order from others
> receive them immediately in original factory boxes.
> My question is, why can the supposed small guy do this but not the big
> conglomerate?  Again,has to do with the quality of the operation and where
> their priorities are.  Seems to me TRF stretched itself way too thin on
> creating the Coventry inn and other sideline enterprises and lost its
> ability to serve in its main function.
> While I appreciate Noble wonderful causes, supporting someone that is not
> able to manage his stock and because I think he is a nice guy doesn't cut
> it.  Go to a GM board meeting and see if they think their customers would
> understand cars and parts being constantly on back order.  They would go
> bust instantly (by the way, they file more W2s and 1099s than TRF)
> I refuse to deal with any company that is not intouch with what I need.
> seems to be Mr Runyons hobby that might (or might not) pay some bills, but
> does not provide me with the customer service to win my loyalty.
> I obtain the same joy, more often with the right parts, that I get on time
> from other suppliers.
> Patrick Bowen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <SJagGo@aol.com>
> To: <bethken@erols.com>; <triumphs@autox.team.net>;
> <spitfires@autox.team.net>
> Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 12:18 PM
> Subject: Re: moaners
> >
> > Greetings Ken,
> > Again, I ask the question.  How many W2's and 1099's did you send out
> > month?
> > If you had, you would see the logic.  If you think money is the source
> > motivation for all action, then none of us should spend any time with
> > TR's; they will never return a monetary gain for all the time and parts
> > place into them.  We do it because we obtain pleasure from a job well
> done,
> > and the sensual pleasure of the actual drive.  It's also a pleasure to
> meet
> > fellow enthusiasts with whom we share a common bond.  Not all employers
> are
> > out there to scrape every dime and nickel from their workers.  There are
> > people who have the talent to provide work for those unable to do so
> > themselves and believe me many of them take their responsibilities
> seriously.
> >  Even Scrooge saw the light.  God bless us every one!
> > Bill Brockschmidt
> > Springfield, IL
> >
> > PS  Hey Joe-  Is Tiny Tim named after the Dickens character or Herbert
> Khoury
> > (aka Tiptoethruthetulips-Tiny Tim)?

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