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Tense driving lately

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Tense driving lately
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 21:00:29 -0800
It's been a real strange three days of driving.  First, my longest journey
to date the day before yesterday in my Spitfire, down to the DMV office to
get registered, only to find they were closed.  I was tense on that one
because it's the first time I've driven the car since my mishap last month
and every little rattle and shimmy from the front end made me sit up and
take notice.  As the speedometer reached about 55 MPH, I began to see my
life flash before my eyes.  By yesterday, on my return trip to the DMV, I
lost the shakes and actually began to loosen up and enjoy the ride.  Except
it was very cloudy and as I was waiting at the DMV office, I was nervous
that it might start raining -- on my newly upholstered seats and brand new
carpets.  A few scattered drops fell, but everything turned out fine,
although again, the ride was tense because I don't have a soft top that I
could have put up.  Today, I had to drive my New Beetle in a driving
rainstorm on the freeway, where I hydroplaned a few times and got to my
destination, only to discover that there was scheduling mixup and I wouldn't
be needed until tomorrow.  So I drove BACK in the driving rain and
hydroplaned all over the place.  3 hours of that, thank you.  Then, this
evening, I let my 15-year-old son drive me around in our 12-year-old Maxima
so he can gain some experience.  He JUST got his learners permit two days
ago and I am NOT used to being a passenger for anyone, let alone a 15 and a
half year old kid who's still wet behind the ears. He drove over the curb
when I asked him to pull over (" I haven't learned how to do that yet,
Dad!") and I had to reach over three times to yank on the wheel to keep him
from driving into the curb again.  This life flashing before my eyes stuff
is getting old!  I see a rash of gray hairs coming on FAST!

Calgon, take me away!


Jeff in San Diego

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